About Us


  • Ada Igbo Women Development Initiative.

    The Ada Igbo Women Development Initiative is a non-governmental organization, registered with Nigeria’s Corporate Affairs Commission. It is open to all Igbo women. Ada Igbo Women Development Initiative aims to be the leading voice of the Igbo women.

    Mission: The mission of the Ada Igbo Women Development Initiative is to bring together Igbo women from all walks of life to further advance the status of Igbo women and fulfill individual, group and organizational objectives.

    Vision: Ada Igbo Women Development Initiative envisions to be the voice of every Igbo woman and to advance the economic, social and political status of every Igbo woman.


      • To develop Igbo women in the areas of education, governance, human rights, values and ethics, agriculture, health and vocational training.
      • To create awareness among Igbo women to engage in agricultural production for food sustainability.
      • To empower Igbo women through education, skill acquisition, vocational training and craftsmanship.
      • To organize lectures seminars for enlightenment for Igbo women in the rural and urban settlements.
      • To organize and facilitate training programmes to acquaint Igbo women-participants with latest best practices in various areas of economics, governance, entrepreneurship, business, organization and management etc.
      • To organize symposia to discuss issues bothering on health, environment, governance, development and any other issues that may be deemed good to the initiative and Igbo women.
      • To liaise or co-operate with other organizations within and outside the country having similar aims and objectives with this initiative.
      • To imbibe good ethical values in women, to initiate and execute plans for the progress, development and welfare of Igbo women, economically and socially to the effective realization of the aims and objectives of the initiative as the circumstances demand.
  • The Organization Actions Include:

      • Advocacy to enhance the development of Igbo women in our communities.
      • Execute programs geared towards promoting the Girl child education and rights of Igbo extraction.
      • Diverse skill acquisition programs for Igbo women.
      • Igbo Women empowerment through micro-credit schemes.
      • Sensitization campaigns on the role and place of the womenfolk in Igbo nation building and development.
      • Create awareness among Igbo women to engage in agricultural production for food sustainability.
      • Organize Conferences, Seminars/workshops, etc for Igbo women and the general public.
      • Campaigns on issues of concern to Igbo women.
      • Preservation of Igbo language and culture.
      • Provision of social amenities through partnership with government and Igbo communities.
      • World Igbo Women Day/ Ada Igbo Day with recognition of Igbo women of diverse sectors who have distinguished themselves.
      • Opening a hall of fame for Igbo women.